Sunday, 20 October 2024

What Do You Want To Exchange

What Do You Want To Exchange

  Hi friends, welcome to my writing journey. Today 'exchange 'word is running fast in the market. People exchanging lots of things online and they are getting good results from it. It's a type of B2B marketing. We love to exchange phones, laptops, and many electronic things. Which can gives us good value and we will stop to waste these products. 

   Generally, today's generation loves to exchange because they know with exchange they will get new products. We know new product gives us happiness. So in the less money we are getting best products. How beautiful ideas are there ! 

   I think that in the marketing of Gold and Silver also have best opportunities. Many housewives loves to exchange their ornaments and bringing new one. But nowadays Gold and Silver have extream rates so It may be stopped. Noone will dare to exchange Gold and Silver. 

Anyway it's everyone's choice that What to exchange! 

 But my choice of exchange is totally different. What's it do you know? You maybe surprised. I want to exchange cultures . It maybe abroad culture or our state level culture. I want to bring the things from any culture which can gives us discipline, happiness, eagerness or values. Want to exchange reading material. It's books, articles or videos which can gives us good knowledge and motivation. Suppose we will exchange Bhagvadgeeta and bringing Bible or Kuran . What will happen we will get same life lessons but in the form of different sequence. I think both are beneficial. I think that no any Grantha or holybooks are for the destruction of the world. But people who didn't understand 

consepts of these Grantham spreading wrong message. People who didn't understand it completely creating problems. 

  Culture doesn't means only for exchange of books. But I want to exchange languages. Want to learn speaking styles of abroad . How they are doing conversation? Their methods of praying to the God. Their devotional life. 

Their behaviour and love towards animals. Their practical approach towards life. How they are completely aware to live life in their own way. These are very nice things to exchange us. 

  If you will talk about Indian culture. It will give you happiness without spending money and so people love India. In any condition you can live life happy, light and stressfree with the help of Indian spirituality. It doesn't mean we didn't need money. 

  There's a lots of difference in the rituals of Indian culture and abroad culture. Many times I feel very burden to run these rituals at that time I think if I will be in the abroad it will better to me. But it's habits which carries since childhood so will have to do it compulsory. 

 Last thing mostly I want to exchange love, peace, happiness to everyone. It's free and it's nothing carry any burden. I am always feel free to exchange it. Are you ready to exchange it? 

 Thanks for reading my article. If you liked it please clap, respond, share. 

If you are interested to read spiritual book go through this link Buy Now Secrets of Prayer

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