Wednesday 16 October 2024

Let's Do Lord Vyanktesha Arti #Shortreel , #Shortvideo #LordVyantesha 

कसे करावे निर्माल्याचे विसर्जन

आज पेपरला उदगीर येथील विसर्जनाची बातमी वाचली.त्यात निर्माल्य विहिरीत, तळ्यात,नदीत टाकलेले फोटो दिसले. अगोदरच आपण पाण्यासाठी खूप बेचैन असोत. त्यात यावर्षी कसेतरी निसर्गाने पाण्याच्या रुपात ढळते माप सोडलेले आहे. मग आपण त्या पाण्याची स्वच्छता आणि जपणूक करायला नको का? 
   पाण्यात निर्माल्य टाकल्यामुळे त्यामध्ये अळ्या ,किडे आणि पाणी खराब होउन जाते. ते शेतीला सुद्धा वापरता येत नाही. आणि त्या निर्माल्याचा काही उपयोग पण होत नाही. 
   निर्माल्य हा काही साधा प्रकार नसतो. यात देवाच्या नावाचे vibrations असतात. ते कोठेही टाकू नये. त्याचा योग्य प्रकारे वापर केल्यास धरती माय आणि गणपती बाप्पा तथास्तु म्हणून आशिर्वाद देतात. 
  मग कसा करणार याचा वापर?  एक मोठा खड्डा खणून त्यामध्ये टाकावे आणि ते शेतात थोड्या दिवसांनी खत म्हणून वापरावे. सार्वजनिक गणेश मंडळांनी पण हाच मार्ग अवलंबावा. मग आपोआपच सगळ्यांना त्याचा फायदा होईल. 
  जय गजानन माऊली 🙏
अशा उपयोगी पोष्ट वाचण्यासाठी कृपया भक्ती व्हिडिओ मध्ये सामील व्हा. 
जय गजानन माऊली 🙏
Get spiritual ebook here 

Monday 9 September 2024

सिद्ध कुंजिका स्तोत्र

हे स्तोत्र म्हणजे शंकर पार्वती चा संवाद होय. पण आपण जर हे श्नद्धेने आणि शुद्ध अंतःकरणाने म्हटले तर आपल्या आयुष्यात टेलिपॅथी निर्माण होते. शिवाय आपल्याला दुसर्याच्या मनात काय चालू आहे हे पण समजते.या स्तोत्राचे एक एक अक्षर आपणास शक्ती देते. स्त्री यांनी जर रोज म्हटले तर घरातील पुरुषांना यशप्राप्ती होते. 
  आपण हे स्तोत्र काळजीपूर्वक ऐका. घरात रोज लावत चला. डिसक्रिप्शन मध्ये लिहिले आहे. आपण त्याचा अभ्यास करु शकता. 
  तसेच व्हिडिओ ला लाईक, शेअर, कमेंट आणि सबस्क्राईब जरूर करा. आपणास नक्कीच चांगला अनुभव येईल. 
जय गजानन माऊली 🙏सिद्ध कुंजिका स्तोत्र
अशा छान पोष्ट वाचण्यासाठी कृपया भक्ती व्हिडिओ मध्ये सामील व्हा.

Friday 6 September 2024

Pranita Pramod Deshpande's old songs

Hi friends welcome to listen my all types of old songs here. If you have any question let me know in the comments. If you liked songs please share it. 
I am adding everyday new songs in the playlist. Please listen everyday. My Old Songs
Thanks and welcome regards. 

Thursday 5 September 2024

Have You Attended This Type Of Magic

You may be seen so many magical moments but this type of magic never attended. 

Have you attended this type of magic? 
Get ebook here. new ebook here.
Read here story . 


Have You Seen Raghuveer Jadugar Here !  

   Suddenly bell was ringing in the audience and I saw there was a magician. We all looking to the stage there's a brilliant magician who was performing some activities. Suddenly he

lost from the stage. His attendant was telling "magician is lost please search him. "We  everyone was searching but we couldn't see.We all are tired and he suddenly emerged from the audience with black clothes ringing big bell in his hand. It was very surprised moment. 

  I think noone in the world have seen this type of magician. 

   I was in the 5 th class in the village Neoli. Now this place is well developed. My uncle was Head master of the school. Don't know how did he arrenged this type of program. I think with the help of village people he arranged it. Do you know how much price of ticket was  there?  At that time higher ticket was  1700 Rs, then 1000 Rs and at last 500 Rs. 

   I don't know how we went there? There's full of public who sat on the ground. A big stage with full of decoration was created. There team was very perfect to do all experiments. What's thrilling was there in the experiment. Our B.P. would getting high. 

  Let's start to program. 

At first they have done worship of Durga Mata ya Ganga Mata. Now experiment started. To do worship need water. There's was no water. Then he brought still pot shown to us it was completely empty. Then saying some mantras and filling the pot with water. Then he throws that water and same process was doing. He had done 5 times this process continues and showing us water.

  2nd program 

  He calls anyone from the audience taking his handkerchief in his hand moving his hand then shower of money (note) falling there. When he trying to catch it ,it was vanishing. Then so many people doing this experiment on the stage.

I forgot so many programs. He had done 1k program. Which I am remembering that I am sharing with you.

Program 3 

   He has 2 tiffins which are fitted alternative. Now what he was doing only moving his tiffins and creating a lot of food items. Asking in the audience what you want? Then whatever maybe students demands that was giving to them. One student demanded hot "Balushai" now he moved the tiffin saying some words and created Balushai. He had told to eat it. That students started to eat and his mouth was cheated.  One student demanded hot "Channa" He gave him hot Channa and his mouth too cheated.

  Program 3 

  He had a small stick with feathers only he was moving his hand on it saying something and shower of notes falling again. 

  Program 4 

   He was taking a big sack of gonpat. Now calling to anyone from the audience. He putting that man in the sack. Tights it with string. Now all ladies were starting to crying. He maybe die. But what he do ? Do you know he was keeping this man in the cupboard in the lock. Everyone was thrilled, shocked and some were crying. Now after some time he opens the door noone was in the cupboard. Again everyone was shocked. But didn't know from where he came but the same man was on the stage bowing to the audience. Now tell me how interesting it is! It's not an imaginary story. It was happened in front of us. 

Program 5 

  He had single size vertical cupboard. He kept in front of us. It was shown to us by moving it to all side. Now he was calling to anyone from the audience. He says to them " You have to stand in this cupboard." 

That man also easily ready to do it. He stands him in the cupboard. Closed the door.

  After some time he brings iron slate which can cut anything. Showing to the audience. It was so thin as like knife. It can cut all types of things. Showing both sides of iron slate. Showing cupboard from all sides. Now, he tooks that slate in his hand and started to cut the cupboard from downside. At first on his legs. He putting that slate from one side and taking out from back side. 

  Same action was doing on his stomach. 

     At last same action was doing on the neck . He kept slate on his neck and it came out side. He had moved the cupboard and shown to us. All 3 slates enters from his body and came outside. Nothing had happened to that person. Now he closed the door. After some time he opened it. Bringing out slate one by one from his body. Now that man was completely as it is. 

 Program 6 

  It was very serious program. He took long horizontal wooden table. Again he called one boy from the audience. He was 6th class student. He didn't told anything to him only he told you have to lie on this table by keeping  your eyes closed. Never open eyes. He may have thriten him for eyes not to open. 

  Now he started his program. Said some

words. Moved slowly his hands on his body. I think he had moved his hands 10 times from his whole body. 

   Now he took "Karvat" cut his body in the stomach. Made 2 pieces. One piece was taken one lady from that side . Another piece was taken from another side one boy. Even one drop of blood was not there. We all were looking it. Nothing to show. Now everyone was crying loudly. It's because very serious events were running. 

   Then again he took still pot (Kalashi) in his hand saying some mantras and filling that pot with water. After some time he made darkness on the stage and calling to that boy with his name. He called 5 times with his name and that boy was suddenly entered on the stage. From where he came we didn't known.? 

  Last program. : 

With my memory it was

last program. He had made thousands of program. I forgot so many. Which I perfect remember that I am sharing with you. 

  Ghost Story: He told us " now I am going to show you some ghosts ."  Let's dance with him. Some people were ready to dance.Some were shouting, some ladies were crying but noone was getting out. 

  Now he had made complete darkness on the stage. Started mysterious music. 

Now started to bring one by one ghost. It was long skeleton of human bodies. Started to dancing. Someone  started some lights that was green,blue, pink, I think so many Ghosts  were dancing by showing their  mouth.But didn't know we didn't have scared. Music was running,dance was running and magician also dancing with them But suddenly what happened didn't know.Everywhere darkness and ghost were disappeared. Magician also disappeared. We started to search him but he was not getting. 

There's was completely danger atmosphere. Noone was able to talk .How much audience was scared can't express here. Now suddenly bell was ringing in the audience. That person was nothing but magician. Wore dark black clothes and started to laughing in the audience. His name was Raghuveer Jadugar.

Tuesday 27 August 2024

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाःoṃ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma devāḥ | om bhadram karnebhih shrinuyama devah(With meaning and explanation in English

om bhadram karnebhih shrinuyama devah

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाः

oṃ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma devāḥ | om bhadram karnebhih shrinuyama devah

(With meaning and explanation in English)

ॐ भद्रं कर्णेभिः शृणुयाम देवाः।
भद्रं पश्येमाक्षभिर्यजत्राः।
व्यशेम देवहितं यदायूः।
स्वस्ति न इन्द्रो वृद्धश्रवाः।
स्वस्ति नः पूषा विश्ववेदाः।
स्वस्ति नस्ताक्षर्यो अरिष्टनेमिः।
स्वस्ति नो वृहस्पतिर्दधातु ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः

oṃ bhadraṃ karṇebhiḥ śṛṇuyāma devāḥ।
bhadraṃ paśyemākṣabhiryajatrāḥ।
vyaśema devahitaṃ yadāyūḥ।
svasti na indro vṛddhaśravāḥ।
svasti naḥ pūṣā viśvavedāḥ।
svasti nastākṣaryo ariṣṭanemiḥ।
svasti no vṛhaspatirdadhatu 

Om Shanti! Om Shanti! Om Shanti! 

   Dear friends welcome in my blog journey. I am reciting this prayer everyday. Magic of this prayer is that , " How much you carry anxiety,anger or any negative emotions. This prayer automatically remove it. You don't understand how this happened? This is my experience. You recite everyday and check out your experience.

Aum! O gods, may we hear auspicious words with the ears; While engaged in yagnas, May we see auspicious things with the eyes; While praising the gods with steady limbs, May we enjoy a life that is beneficial to the gods. May Indra of ancient fame be auspicious to us; May the supremely rich (or all-knowing) Pusa (god of the earth) Be propitious to us; May Garuda, the destroyer of evil, Be well disposed towards us; May Brihaspati ensure our welfare. Aum! Peace! Peace! 

To get like this post click on the link.

Saturday 24 August 2024

Krishna Bhajan

Happy Janmashtami to everyone. Let's celebrate Janmashtami with this Krishna Bhajan.We think Lord Vithhla is also the form of Lord Krishna. So I have added so many Vithalla Bhajan and songs in it. If you liked it you can listen. If not push next button. So many Hindi Krishna songs also added. Please listen to it lovely and with full of devotion. God definitely giving you tons of blessings. 
Here's the link to listen it. 