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Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Monday, 19 October 2015
International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRESSURE
International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRESSURE: ** ABOUT PRESSURE ** Yesterday i heard conversations of...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRES...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRES...: International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRESSURE : ** ABOUT PRESSURE ** ...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRES...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRES...: International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRESSURE : ** ABOUT PRESSURE ** ...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRESSURE
International Author Pranita Deshpande: ABOUT PRESSURE: ** ABOUT PRESSURE ** Yesterday i heard conversations of...
Yesterday I heard conversations of two students about their exams. They are discussing with each other about their admissions in the good college, and to get the out of marks in the examinations.Out of them one was saying that '' If I would be not get admission in that college I will left my education'' and another one was saying that'' If I would be not getting admission to the M.B.B.S. college I will be suicide'' I astonished with these sentences.
I realized that nowadays what is the level of pressure to the students.?
How it will create ?
What should we have to do to release from pressure?
OK we will discuss in detail what is the pressure ?
Pressure is an emotion which I create ,when I feel that what will happen if I will not achieve my goal without pressure?
Pressure means can I do this or not If not then I create pressure.
If there is fear in my mind about my and others expectations then I feel pressure.
Yesterday I heard conversations of two students about their exams. They are discussing with each other about their admissions in the good college, and to get the out of marks in the examinations.Out of them one was saying that '' If I would be not get admission in that college I will left my education'' and another one was saying that'' If I would be not getting admission to the M.B.B.S. college I will be suicide'' I astonished with these sentences.
I realized that nowadays what is the level of pressure to the students.?
How it will create ?
What should we have to do to release from pressure?
OK we will discuss in detail what is the pressure ?
Pressure is an emotion which I create ,when I feel that what will happen if I will not achieve my goal without pressure?
Pressure means can I do this or not If not then I create pressure.
If there is fear in my mind about my and others expectations then I feel pressure.
When we are finishing our deadline we create pressure
In two people if one is completing his deadline without pressure if it may be he require more days but he will be in comfortable state.
But the another one who had completed his dead line with fear and pressure then he will suffer from B. P.
sugar,hyperthyroidism like irritations, anxiety, etc. He also has choosen this type of life style thinking that ''It should happen automatically nowadays''
Some times pressure is not about deadline but it should be of our belief system that ''I can't do any work without pressure''
Deadline doesn't create pressure but the thought about it ''can I complete it or not ,if not then I realize pressure.
To remove pressure we have to stop for 2 minutes and watch our thought.We realize that we first creating the fear and then we are feeling the fear when we understand this feeling then again we observe the thought , change the thought check the belief system and accept the truth.
Many times due to fear my efficiency gets reduced.
If pressure is not there my self esteem is on high level and My self esteem is not depend on another ones self esteem .
When stability comes performance automatically gets good.
Logically and experimentally it proved that if pressure is not there achievement is more.
To remove pressure we have to do
1] Mediate everyday for half an hour in the morning
2] Engage in any creative activity.
3] Talk with another person for a five minutes except your subject
4] Make humor and enjoy it
5] Use your humor to please never to hurt
I have written this post without pressure
You read this post without pressure
Enjoy your life without pressure
About Pressure,
Mental Pressure
HR7X+J6 Fulchur, Madhya Pradesh, India
Saturday, 17 October 2015
International Author Pranita Deshpande: International Author Pranita Deshpande: THE MIRACL...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: International Author Pranita Deshpande: THE MIRACL...: International Author Pranita Deshpande: THE MIRACLE OF PEACE. : ****************************************************************************...
Thursday, 15 October 2015
International Author Pranita Deshpande: Different Forms Of Navdevi
International Author Pranita Deshpande: Different Forms Of Navdevi: Why Did We Call Navdevi? Nowadays we are reading so many criminal & negative news in the news paper as negativi...
International Author Pranita Deshpande: Different Forms Of Navdevi
International Author Pranita Deshpande: Different Forms Of Navdevi: Why Did We Call Navdevi? Nowadays we are reading so many criminal & negative news in the news paper as negativi...
Different Forms Of Navdevi
Did We Call Navdevi?
we are reading so many criminal & negative news in the news paper as
negativity increased everywhere. Every ones mind is full of conflict & full
of negative thoughts. To work on negativity we have to call Navdevi.
We have to succeed on anger, stress, worries,
pressure, anxiety etc.These are the evil powers of mind.
In our mind there are two types of powers one
is evil & another one divine. Evil power means greed, anger, jealousy, comparison,
ego etc ,& divine powers means happiness,purity,truth,peace, simplicity,
Our Goddess are all Navdevi. Why we call them
Navdevi ? Why we are inviting them for Navratri ? What are their work/? We will
Deities also have both divine &evil
powers but they had emerged divine power by working with themselves inside
& we call them Navdevi, goddesses, or Ashtabhuja, etc.
We are worshiping all Goddess without curiosity. We have not ask
question to any one How could Devi sat on lion, tiger & why? Before thousands of years our
ancient people has been used symbols to represent their knowledge, they kept some
pictorial form in front of people so that they should have fear inside to live
the life successfully,
We know that if lion & tiger are the
biggest & harmful animal for any animal , then how could been deities would
seat on their back but we had believe on them as it is &starting to worship
them. But meaning of this is Goddess can face as big as situations like powers
of lion tigers.
In some pictures we can see weapons in the
hands of deities & they had been killing devils. She is using longest
trishul & showing killing to two devils. We have not studied about it in detail.
She killed devils means not outsides person or real devil but inside her there
are both sansakar, these are divine & evil sansakar, so to emerge inside divine
sansakar& to vanish sansakara she has to work lot of to show it, they have been used eight weapons
in her eight hands.
have also *eight types of inner powers to emerge these powers we have to learn
ashtabhuja lessons.
Parvati : Parvati means the soul which can change every time so that situation
automatically gets changed.
Parvati has done lot of efforts in
meditation without Shankara to emerge inner power. & she became goddess in
each forms of Navdevi.
2] DURGA : Means she has removed all mental
toxic power with the help of weapons from her mind & body. or purification
of the mind & body.We have to see picture with right perception,so that we have to let go old sansakar ,i.e body,ego situation we visualize & it's symbol is Durga.
3] Jagdamba:
Situations should in control or power to control means Jagdamba. The soul who will give same kind of love to every child in the world is the Jagdamba,&
the soul who can accept everyone as it
Many times we call Jagdamba as a Maa or Mother
means to accept everyone unconditionally, without pain
Vaishnavi Devi ; She could protects our ego, mind, intellect, which can gives
us success.
Santoshi Mata : The soul makes everyone satisfied & happy is the Santoshi
Shitala Mata The soul who can makes every ones
mind cool & calm is the Shitala Mata.
Mahalaxmi Mata : Means the soul who can gives us abundance food & prosperity
by worshiping her we can emerge all inner powers, to get all these things.
8] Mahasaraswati: The soul who can emerge powers
to learn all knowledge with
the help of intellect is the Saraswati
To emerge all these powers we have
to remember God Shiva or to recite all names of deities
Up to we had only celebrated all these
festivals but now is the time to understand, to emerge, to withdraw, to
tolerate ,to accept & to work on these powers.
When we emerge all these powers &
connect to God means we have made sangam of Shivashakti.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
International Author Pranita Deshpande: MY FOOD
International Author Pranita Deshpande: MY FOOD: My Food As the food, as the mind. As the mind, as the man. To make energ...
International Author Pranita Deshpande:
My Food
As the food, as the
As the mind, as the
To make energy we require food. Without food we cannot
lead our life.
Now a days there is a lot of information about food on
the social media or on the newspaper on the T.V. Radio, etc. We know that to
build a body strong. We need balanced diet & we are learning about balanced
diet from the 5th std.
Balanced diet means the diet in which contains proteins
carbohydrates, vitamins, salts fats etc are in fixed proportion. If there is
deficiency of any constituent in our food, we are suffering from many dieses.
lack of vitamin B causes beriberi,
irritations etc. absence of vitamin C causes scurvy in the month. absence of vitamin
D causes rickets, absence of A vitamin
causes night blindness etc. If we are not getting excess amount of salt to our
body our body losses control then hypertension, sugar etc. These problems occur
in our body. All these about our balanced diet habit.
Now we have to know what effects on mind takes place
on food which we are taking every day? How should we make food? What is the
psychological method to prepared food? How can we eat food? Where we have to
eat? What type of food is healthy for my mind and body? Which are good habits’
of the food to make our mind calm, clean& clear?
. If there is a nice balanced diet in your thali and
when you are eating, someone comes in your home and he is quarrel with you, can
you eat comfortably? Means while eating to digest food properly we have to keep
our mind calm and silent, that food makes blood and mind. Our mind also makes
from tiny particles of food.
any man bring their food from corrupted money or from stolen money or with
dishonest work, maybe he had cheated to so many poor’s for his food or maybe he
played politics with family members like brother, sister etc. If that type of
food will eat their children and wife their mind become selfish, lazy,
dishonest and all above bad habits will enter who eat that type of food, and his willing power gets reduced.
So that in ancient time’s so many gurus, rushi’s, didn’t
it anywhere, anyone’s hand food.
Our Food Maintains Values &Virtues.
To keep
values, morals, virtues, principles in our life we have to eat food. Who earned
with honesty, there will no corruption, no cheating etc
Now we
will see which food effects on our mind.
are so many ways to cook the food in them Which is effective we will see.
When our mother make food for
us, thinking that my children should eat comfortable and properly and there
health and mind should nice. It creates love, happiness, peace in the family.
2) The food which is made in hotels,
thinking that we have to earn lot of money may be it will sufficient for customer
or not, that type of food makes that life is only for making money.
3 When we keep cooking lady in our home
she has to earn money for her family thinking that my family can’t get rich
food to eat it. So she creates that vibration and these vibrations effects on
our food, and when we eat like this food it effects on our mind and we can’t
get satisfied with this food.
There is a one story in a
Joshi’s family one cocking lady was coming to make food while she has lot of problems
about her leaving home, as she is living by rent, now that owner is chasing her
to quit the home in 15 days. She can’t get home early. When she comes to make
foods in this family she is worrying about her home and that type of thought
vibration effects on her food, which she is making One day in Joshi’s dream event came that he is going outside for
the home to live on rent, he gets astonished. Why did this type of event came
in my dream? So he asked to Bramakumaries sister Shivani, she studied about
cocking ladies problem and told them there is a problem in our cocking lady’s
4) The
food which is made in temple or in any spiritual organization.
We compare all food with temple Prasad, which food we will get tastier?
ObviouslyPrasad. As Prasad is made by considering that “this is Bhagwa’s Prasad”
taking name of god every time it becomes testier. Gods, vibrations are entering
in this Prasad.
what should we do when we are eating food.
First recite Gods
name before to eat so that it will create good
thoughts about our food
Say Govinda
Keep mind silence,
So that we can eat comfortably
3 Stop irritations or making
argument.which cannot converts our food in to poison
4) Eat silently and slowly so that it can digest
properly & it can make blood & mind.
wonder while eating food as germs will enter in the food
6] Don’t eat in
front of T.V. As in the T.V. if any picture is running on the
screen. i.e. disargument, quarrel makes bad effects on our food & thoughts.
Don’t eat onion & garlic as when we are cutting onion it produces
tears in our eyes,& also it produces irritations in our mouth, then think
how much irritations will produce in our thoughts? That effects on our mind. Our thoughts
vibrations changes and it creates negative energy& bad smell.
About non-vegetarian food
Every where there is discussion for non veg. Non- veg
is harm full for our mind& for digestion. As when you cutting living animal
that animal create lot of fear in his
mind and that vibration effects on that food, if we well eat that type of food
we will become violent, cruel, we loose emotions.
So that
there is a proverb in Marathi
“Vadani kaval gheta
nam ghya shrihari che.”
Sahaj havan
hote nam gheta pukache,
Givin Kari jivitava anna hay purna Brahma,
Udder bhar Na
nohe janije yadna karma .
Jai, Jai Raghuveer Samarth
Sunday, 4 October 2015
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Thursday, 1 October 2015
Concentration makes our life successful.
In daily routine so many people are working on their different post ,we will see why they have got like that posts ?
I think every person needed concentration, If we see the workers who are working on the big machines, if they lost their concentration, they will suffer from any accident, When our mother is cooking in the kitchen if she not concentrate when making food, food can't make nicely like this so many small business are also running on concentration, like potter, painter, singer, architecture, teacher,student etc every profession & every work is depend on our concentration,.IfGoogle+,linked in,twitter,facebook, they not concentrated to their work completely ,they can't get success in their life. .
Concentration means absorption. Concentration is needed to get success in our life.It is the main virtue of life .
The persons who has more concentration power in their study or work they are doing higher jobs on the higher posts & the persons who has lower concentration power in their study or work they are doing lower jobs on lower posts.
If we will take interest in any field concentration will increase .
There is a proverb in English,
''Take interest for five years in any field, you will get rest for 50 years''
To increase our concentration1] Make a clear vision
2] Balanced diet
3]Place & time
4] Practice makes man perfect
When you are doing study don't sit on the bed because our brain is sending two messages to our brain
one is seat comfortable & do study & another one, sleep for some time, then we are getting confuse & our concentration will automatic decrease.
Biggest factor affecting on our concentration is rest.Make sure that you get right amount of sleep at the right time.Also we have regular sleep time.Oversleeping makes you lazy & inactive.
Benefits of concentration.
Concentration increases our tolerance power, decision making power, power of conclusion, power to join, power to adjust, power to magnify
Permanent solution for concentration is ,
Manage your mind, intellect & sansakar,
To manage our mind ,give understanding lovingly to the mind, & change sansakar forcefully.
To increase our concentration we have to connect with God everyday, automatically concentration increases.
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