Sunday, 5 November 2023
@chhaya21 संगीत के अध्यात्मिक, शारीरिक, मानसिक फायदे .
Thursday, 2 November 2023
Difference Difference Between Indian and Abroad Lifestyle
It’s very magically thinking . When we are comparing our life with abroad life style. I am not telling that abroad things are worse . Or their life style is not good. I like their discipline , good manners , running life with self respect, working hard etc. But how these people are running their life I want to explain.
We take life very easy. They are taking life very serious. We think that remaining happy, creating love for family members, doing something for family members, working for them, devotion for God creates automatically satisfaction. If we are getting satisfaction we didn’t think more.We Indian never think about more money. So that India can't progress. In my childhood I remember so many don’t have money. But they were so happy. No one carry B P, sugar, loneliness , feeling heaviness etc. Whatever maybe with you distribute it to others and see the magic of life. This was thinking in our childhood. I think it was not only for family but for each and every organization.
Nowadays since I came on the internet and getting me 75% article on life management. Means people are living only for self life . To full fill their dreams it's not bad but with it they are cc leaving daily life. They didn’t think broadly . In the life something is there. We must have to attend that.
Also they are searching for happiness. I think the people who knows how to be happy naturally they never search happiness here on the internet. How to be happy?
Indian’s are taking life lightly. They were running with God’s faith not at all, some people. They think that interacting with neighbors , friends, relatives, our city members means life. Or celebrating festivals ,rituals can create happiness. It doesn’t mean they are not creating dreams. We can also create dreams but to achieve it we are not leaving daily life. Daily life means above things which I have explained. Suppose they have decided to travel or Yatra. But they can’t by plane. They will never shy if so, we will go by train. Why to worry? Why to take any tensions? We will go next time by plane. Is we are doing anything wrong?
One more example I will tell here. In my neighborhood one engineer who had chemical engineer job had married and left India went to Canada. Leaving behind her widow mother, 4 sisters. I am telling this to you and my eyes are filled with tears. Maybe he is earning crore’s of rupees there. Can he will enjoy happiness of his family members? That is his sisters, mother. His father was died when he was small. His mother have done a lot of efforts to complete his education. His sisters have done job to complete his education. And he left everyone not contacting to his family members too. His mother is always crying. Really I can’t explain that sorrow Now tell me what is the use of this life? How did his loved one will send him blessings. If he couldn’t do any responsibility for them? Is he will get complete happiness with his bank balance and material things? If he maybe can’t complete his responsibilities with his job. He can talk lovingly via video call. He can ask for her needs. He will take care with love from there too. But nothing. In Marathi we say it is Asuri Anand . Can only material things gives us more happiness than human being?
That’s the difference between 2 cultures. We create happiness in less. You are searching happiness in more. You are searching we are creating. It doesn’t mean we have to create less but in any situation we are happy.
We are creating more in less and abroad s are creating less in more and so today’s people are becoming narrow minded. How much maybe they have thinking less. It’s very very sad to tell. So we are losing faith in relationship, creating a lot of distance in the relationship. We are not thinking about our closer one how can we will support to neighbor? Friends, relatives and saying why did we are feeling alone and sad?
How Progress We Have Made !
Thanks for reading this article if you like it please like , comment and share.
Disclaimer: I didn't want to create pain for anyone. But in today's life which true facts I am looking that I have shared. If you feel any sentence wrong let me know. I will omit it immediately.
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